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Crawl Space Access Doors

Protect your home with a New Crawl Space Access Door

Crawl Space Access Door

The crawl space is a common foundation type all over North America and has been a staple of construction for hundreds of years. Despite that, the contracting business is still figuring out the best ways to deal with the issues attached to them.

One such issue is the crawl space access well and door. In most homes, if the access is outside, it’s usually a dirty, dank, and ugly space treated as a necessary evil to the maintenance of the home. Often times, the crawl space access is damp, dank and moldy, regardless of being interior or exterior, leaving no wonder to the common aversion. The access is typically made of wood, concrete or metal. As time goes on, the wells fill up with leaves and other debris blown in from the outside, allowing the slow rot or rust of the material that makes up the access door. Eventually, this leaves your crawl space vulnerable to pests and water infiltration.

Controlling the climate and protection of your crawl space starts with an access door. Replacing your access door can be an arduous job, with many considerations to keep in mind to prevent further issues. For this reason, it’s always best to reach out to a professional to help you get started. A proper crawl space door system starts with the correct framing, high-quality weather stripping, and long-lasting caulk to properly weatherize the door.

Though it is one of the places within the home that most of us wish we didn’t have to deal with, the crawl space is an important part of the living and breathing ecosystem that we maintain within our homes. Take care of your home and family today by reaching out to a licensed professional.

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