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FAQs for Contractors:

Why should I trust HomePro Match?

We are contractors too! Our business started as a local home improvement company and expanded into helping other contractors succeed in the online marketplace. For over fifteen years, we have generated millions of leads for thousands of contractors to allow them to dominate their local markets with an ever-expanding suite of tools and services. We are so confident that our services will work for you that you don't pay us a dime until we deliver results.

What towns and cities does HomePro Match service?

Our Online Marketplace covers all of the U.S. and parts of Canada.

How do I get started?

Simply sign up by filling out our quick form (Link to sign up for Contractors page) and create a profile. Once your profile is created you will receive a call from our HomePro Specialists to complete the background check. (see What is the process?)

What is the process?

During the initial set up you will receive a call from one of our HomePro Specialists. On this call, we will review your license number, the background of your company including a good standing with the Better Business Bureau, and reviews on online platforms. From here we will walk you through on how to set up your profile.

What is the cost?

Price per lead will vary based on the services offered. Smaller, less competitive services will cost less per lead than larger, more competitive services - it’s the nature of the market. One important factor is that you only pay when a customer contacts your company through your profile.

Do I pay for all of the leads that come my way?

No! You do not pay for any leads that are outside of your designated service area or are not services your company offers. You also do not pay for leads where a customer selects that they are a previous customer. Our focus is to get you new business opportunities to help grow your business.

Why pay per lead?

We are so confident that our services will work for you that you don't pay us a dime until we deliver results. Our lead-based model incentivizes us to continually grow your leads, and thus your business grows. In a fee-based model, the contractor assumes all the risk. In our lead-based model, we assume all the risk.

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