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Well Pump Repair & Service

Make sure your well pump is functioning properly with well pump repair

Your well pump is the most important part of your entire well system. If your well pump isn’t working, your home likely won’t have water. That’s why it’s vital to ensure your well pump is functioning properly at all times.

The best way to do this is with regular maintenance and servicing from a professional. Checking your well pump yourself is not practical, so having a professional occasionally take a look is a good way to keep unexpected problems from suddenly cropping up. Many problems are easily preventable if you catch the signs early. Failing that, you should make sure you contact a professional well pump repair company as soon as you notice any sign of damage.

Common signs of a well pump problem

  • No water: This is the most obvious sign that something is terribly wrong. While sometimes it may be as simple as a circuit breaker turning off your pump, this can indicate that the pump is damaged and needs repair. In some cases, it could signify an issue with the well itself, like a low water table caused by a drought.
  • Dirty water: If your water is muddy and clouded, there are two main possibilities. First, your water table could be too low, therefore your pump is pulling from shallow water with more silt and sand. Second, your pump could be failing to filter out the silt and dirt. If the second case is true, your pump will likely become more damaged as time goes on, since the silt and sand will hurt the inside of the pump.
  • Sputtering water: When water sputters or spits out of the faucet as you turn it on, there is likely air in your system. Sometimes, this is due to a break in a pipe just past the pump, but often it indicates the pump itself is malfunctioning.

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