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Salt Water Conversion

A Chlorination Revolution

For many years in the United States, there were only chlorinated pools. But anyone who has spent a significant amount of time in or around chlorine will know that it’s some pretty nasty stuff. There can be severe side effects if a person is too frequently exposed, such as the sudden occurrence of an allergy to the chemical, irritation of the eyes, nose, throat and skin, and for those with respiratory conditions, the side effects can be very severe. All of this to say, that when saltwater chlorination began to become popular in the US in the 1980s, that popularity would only continue to increase as time went on.

The Facts about Salt Water Pools

Despite the moniker of saltwater pools, they do still have chlorine in them to keep the water clean--but it’s significantly less, and it’s generated by a system of the pool itself, meaning that your exposure to the chemical is much less than with a standard pool. For many, this is the greatest selling point of all.

The water is also much better for you, leaving you with less of that icky, dry, and sticky feeling when you leave the water. It’s softer on your hair, skin, and even your eyes. There’s about ten times less salt in a saltwater pool than in the sea--in fact, when the water is properly balanced, the salinity is just about equal to that of our tear ducts, allowing you to open your eyes underwater--without regret.

The way it works is by using a saltwater chlorinator cell, an electrical current is passed through the salinized water, creating a chemical reaction called Electrolysis--creating chlorine from salt crystals. The result is a more enjoyable pool experience, less maintenance, and no harsh chemicals needed.

If you’ve been considering transitioning your pool to saltwater, the experts here at HomePro Match are just a call or click away!

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