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Metal Siding Installation & Replacement

Shield your property with metal siding installation

Wood siding rots and gets moisture damage. Vinyl siding can warp under severe conditions and is susceptible to impact damage. If you want to avoid these common issues and prevent costly exterior repairs to your home, hire a contractor to install metal siding on your home. Usually aluminum or steel, metal siding is far more durable than the siding materials you would typically find on homes. On its own, metal siding can provide either a clean or an industrial look for your exterior. Quality metal siding providers can install metal siding on your home that resembles traditional plank siding as well.

Should you get aluminum siding or steel siding?

Both types of metal siding have their strengths and weaknesses. Aluminum siding provides a higher insulating value for your home than vinyl siding. It is also lightweight and easier to install than complex materials. This means that it is affordable to install and helps lower energy costs for your home.

Steel siding is a stronger alternative. While both metal sidings can withstand impact and storm damage, steel siding does so even better than aluminum. Steel siding also does not need the same regular maintenance that other sidings do. Color retention is one benefit and even if you don’t like the color on your home, it is a reasonably easy surface to paint. With a proper coat of paint applied, steel siding will be protected from rust, helping it last for up to 50 years.

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