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Liquid Siding Application

Fast and affordable home exterior protection with liquid siding

An alternative to painting and residing your home is applying liquid vinyl or rubber to your exterior. Liquid siding can be applied directly to your home’s walls or even over its existing siding. The liquid vinyl or rubber will bond with the exterior and create a protective barrier that keeps out moisture and prevents storm damage. Installing liquid siding is very much like adding an extra protective barrier to your property.

The liquid material is sprayed onto your home or applied directly with a brush. While this application is very similar to paint, it does not need the same prep work, sanding, and multiple coats that painting requires. Thanks to being able to cut out all these steps, in many cases, it is more affordable to apply liquid siding to your home than it is to repaint or replace the siding.

Can I paint my home with liquid siding myself?

Applying liquid siding may seem like a simple process, but you should always consider hiring a professional if you are inexperienced or unsure about how to properly do this. If done incorrectly, the application may not properly adhere to the exterior surface. Do it yourself applications often bubble up and require extensive labor and costs to undo. Because of this, numerous brands of quality liquid vinyl and rubber siding only allow their products to be installed by authorized contractors. Homeowners should always consult a professional contractor before proceeding with this process.

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