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Slate Roof Replacement

Protect your home and enjoy timeless beauty with a slate roof replacement

Slate Roof Replacement

Is your old roof starting to show its age? If so, it might be time for a roof replacement! A roof replacement can be an opportunity to improve your home and if you have the budget, a slate roof replacement could be just the upgrade your home needs.

Slate originated back in the 12th century, making it one of the oldest roofing materials still in use and has been popular in America since the 1600s. As you might expect from a roofing material that has managed to be popular for so long, slate roofing has a lot going for it. Not only does slate have a distinctive and beautiful look, but slate roofing is also incredibly durable and long lasting. A properly installed and maintained slate roof can last anywhere between 75 and 150 years, sometimes even more.

Are there any downside to a slate roof replacement?

A slate roof replacement only has two real downsides. The first is that slate roofing is difficult to install. This means that you’ll need to ensure you work with a qualified roofer who already has experience with slate roof replacement. The second problem is that slate is a premium roofing material and priced as such. If you want to replace your old roof with slate, then it will likely cost several times more than installing asphalt shingles.

Regardless of these downsides, a slate roof replacement can often be worth it if you have the budget. Its anient beauty and long lasting material can outweight any cheaper alternative. If you install a replacement slate roof, it is unlikely you will need to ever replace your roof again within your lifetime.

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