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Cedar & Wood Shingle/Shake Roof Ventilation

Extend the lifespan of your roof with cedar & wood shingle/shake roof ventilation

Roof ventilation is vital for most roofing materials, but it is particularly essential for cedar & wood shingle/shake roofs. Due to the wood material, it must be able to breathe. Without proper cedar & wood shingle/shake roof ventilation, your roof is vulnerable to issues like cupping. Cupping happens when moisture on the face of the shake dries out before the back side, allowing moisture to potentially get under it. Overall this weakens the shake and lowers your roof’s life expectancy. This can happen to all sorts of homes and a wide range of roof styles from steep slope to shallow pitch.

Simply installing any type of roof ventilation however is not the answer. You need cedar & wood shingle/shake roof ventilation specifically designed for this type of roofing material. A qualified roofing contractor can work with you to decide what roof ventilation makes the most sense for your home and then quickly install it.

It’s never too late to install cedar & wood shingle/shake roof ventilation

Even if you’ve already had your cedar & wood shingle/shake roof for a while, it may be a good idea to have a contractor take a look at it. Many older roofs were installed with inadequate cedar & wood shingle shake/roof ventilation thanks to old beliefs that have since been proven untrue. If you’ve been noticing the above problems with your roof or unusually high energy bills, it is worth getting checked out by a professional.

If you have a cedar & wood shingle/shake roof, make sure yours is properly ventilated. The last thing you want to do is cut short the lifespan of your roof due to inadequate ventilation.

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