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Cedar & Wood Shingle/Shake Roof Replacement

Add timeless beauty to your home with cedar & wood shingle/shake roof replacement

Cedar and Wood Shingle Replacement

Cedar & wood shingle/shake roofs have an impressive lifespan of about 40 years, but that still means they will eventually need to be replaced. Even if your roof is not quite at the end of its lifespan, it might make more sense to have it replaced when it suffers damage rather than end up in a game of whack-a-mole as you try to deal with every new problem as it comes up. No one wants to waste money and time fixing cracks and dents only to replace the whole roof in a year.

With the help of an experienced and trusted roofing contractor, you can easily remove your old roof and replace it with a beautiful, new cedar & wood shingle/shake roof designed to match your needs, budget, and vision. Not only will this new roof ensure that your home is protected for decades to come, but it will also provide a great boost to your curb appeal.

In fact, a new cedar & wood shingle/shake roof replacement can greatly improve your home’s resale value. Why? These roofing materials are known for their long lifespans, which often times last longer than the time you live in your home! Therefore, if you replace your old roof with a new cedar & wood shingle/shake roof, the next homeowner can trust that it will last for decades after their purchase. A cedar & wood shingle/shake roof replacement is a great way to bring peace of mind both to yourself and any prospective homeowners!

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