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Asphalt Shingle Roof Installation

Enjoy an affordable, attractive, and durable roof with asphalt shingle installation

Asphalt Shingle Roof

Asphalt shingle roofing is an incredibly popular option for many residential homes. It’s likely that a quick drive around your own neighborhood will show that many of your neighbors also have asphalt shingle roofing. This isn’t just some passing fad. There are some very good reasons that asphalt shingle roof installation is so common and might be perfect for your home.

What makes asphalt shingle roof installation so attractive?

First is the price. Asphalt shingle roofing is much less expensive than most other roofing options, sometimes dramatically so. However, their low price doesn’t mean the quality of the actual material is poor. Not only are asphalt shingles sturdy and durable, but they are also nearly waterproof. Considering the main point of a roof is to keep the outdoor elements out, high water resistance is an important asset for any roofing material. Asphalt shingles are also quite energy efficient, which is a nice bonus.

The another reason behind the popularity of asphalt shingles is the option to customize them to suit your preferences. Many homeowners want to make their home stand out from the crowd, and asphalt shingles make that easy despite their popularity. While some roofing materials may only come in a few colors, asphalt shingles can be found in almost any color you can think of.

All of these factors combined make asphalt shingle installation an attractive option for sloped roofs, single homes, and smaller residential projects. Whether you are looking for durability, affordability, or the option to customize your look, it’s hard to go wrong with an asphalt shingle roof installation for your home.

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