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Cabinet Installation & Replacement

Customize your kitchen with attractive & spacious cabinets

No kitchen is complete without a selection of beautiful cabinets. Not only do they provide the required storage space, but they also contribute to an attractive kitchen aesthetic. If you are trying to create the kitchen of your dreams, then cabinet installation & replacement is vital.

Choose from a variety of cabinet installation & replacement options

Cabinets come in a wide range of materials. Woods like oak, maple, cherry, and hickory are the most popular options, but you can even choose metal options like stainless steel. Plywood is also a great budget-friendly option.

Once you know what material you want to work with, you need to choose between custom, stock, and semi-custom cabinets, all of which offer a variety of advantages & disadvantages. Here’s an overview:

  • Custom cabinets: This is the most flexible option, since you can create practically any cabinet design you might imagine. A skilled carpenter can create some truly eye catching and beautiful cabinets, although custom cabinets tend to be more expensive.
  • Stock cabinets: These pre-fabricated cabinets are the most inexpensive option in most cases, but your choices are far more limited when it comes to color and design.
  • Semi-custom cabinets: These cabinets are similar to stock cabinets, but can be customized with extra detailing options, making them the balanced option. They are more versatile than stock cabinets and less expensive than custom cabinets. There are a wide range of color and style options, but there are far fewer than with custom cabinets.

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