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Wood Stove Installation & Replacement

A wood stove installation provides classic, but effective heating

The iconic wood burning stove may seem a thing of the past, but many homes are still using wood stoves for heat, some even as their primary heat source. Most of these homes are using modern wood stoves, which use modern technology and design to create wood stoves that are far more efficient and reliable than their predecessors.

While an unconventional choice, a wood stove installation could be a good fit for your home. Modern stove designs not only bring a unique look and feel to your home, but are also environmentally friendly.

Advantages of a wood stove installation

  • Environmentally Friendly: One of the biggest strengths of modern wood stoves is their carbon neutral nature. Since wood absorbs carbon during its lifetime, burning said wood doesn’t add additional carbon dioxide to the environment, if sustainably harvested.
  • Inexpensive Fuel: Wood costs less per BTU than oil, gas, or electricity, which can make it an affordable alternative.
  • Immune to Power Outages: One big downside of other heating options is their reliance on electricity. Even if electricity isn’t the actual source of fuel, many of these systems won’t work without power. This can be a serious problem if you lose power during a blizzard. In contrast, wood stoves are self contained, so if you lose power, they will still work.
  • Attractive: Unlike most heating options, wood stoves are not generally out of sight. Luckily, there are a variety of styles and designs you can choose so your wooden stove compliments your decor rather than detract.

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