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Electric Furnace Installation & Replacement

Enjoy safe and even heating with an electric furnace installation or replacement

Keeping your home warm during the winter is vital and there are a wide range of possible solutions, including boilers and baseboard heating. However, furnaces are particularly popular as they can easily heat your entire home and can run on a variety of different fuel sources. While the type of furnace you choose is largely dependent on the availability of fuel, electric furnaces are particularly popular.

Electric furnaces are often easier to use and maintain than other furnace types. While slightly more expensive to run than gas, very little maintenance is required for an electric furnace and they don’t have the same risk of carbon monoxide. Electric furnaces are also cheaper to install.

Advantages of electric furnace installation

  • Easily Available Fuel: One big advantage of an electric furnace is the availability of electricity. While there are some areas where natural gas or oil might be hard to get in large quantities, every home tends to have easy access to electricity.
  • Safe: While many furnace fuels can produce carbon monoxide, electricity does not. Additionally, you won’t need to worry about tanks of oil or gas inside your home which could pose a danger if they start to leak.
  • Long Lifespan: While gas furnaces last about 10-15 years, electric furnaces last 5-10 years longer at around 20 years on average.
  • Cost: Installing a new furnace will always cost a bit, but electric furnaces are the cheapest option. While gas might be slightly cheaper to run due to the low cost of fuel, electric furnaces are growing more and more energy efficient, lessening this gap.

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