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Crime Cleanup

Crime Cleanup Technicians are here to help

When the worst comes to pass, there should be nothing you have to do but mourn. No one should have to think about dealing with the scene, where countless hidden dangers lurk. That’s where crime cleanup technicians come in to lighten the load. No matter what’s happened, be it a suicide, homicide or accident, a professional can handle it and ensure that the danger and trauma are kept away from loved ones of the deceased.

These professionals will go through detailed processes of sanitization to remove any remnant of heath threatening pathogens. Though blood cleanup may not seem like a huge deal when compared with other contaminants, if done incorrectly, the presence of such bodily fluids could lead to health and safety risks. Disease outbreaks and structural damage to the property can happen due to rot and mold growth.

Hiring a professional Crime Cleanup Technician

When a loved one has passed, the family will usually be referred to a cleanup service by their insurance company. At the request of the family, a professional will come onto the scene after law enforcement has concluded their work there, and will assess the scope of work to be done, including what can be done to limit property damage, and document everything for insurance purposes.

Typically, the cost of such a service is covered by the homeowner’s insurance policy. If you are in need of crime cleanup services, the experts here at HomePro Match are here to help.

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