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Hail Damage Repair

Protect your home with timely and effective hail damage repair

Hail of Roof

Hail storms are some of the most dangerous storms when it comes to roof damage. While the size of the hail generally varies from storm to storm, many hail storms are equivalent to a pro driving golf ball. Over the course of a storm, your roof might take hundreds or even thousands of these impacts. As you might imagine, even the sturdiest roof is likely to take some sort of damage after a while.

Some roofing materials, like metal and copper, are remarkably resilient. Some of the most common roofing materials however, like asphalt shingle and tile, are very vulnerable to the type of damage hail storms leave. Generally, hail damage will show up as cracks or dents in the shingles. While these cracks and dents can sometimes seem small, they are can spread throughout the entirety of your roof. Over time, these dents and cracks will worsen and begin to let water into your home. Before you know it you might find yourself with several leaks and costly water damage in your home.

So what can you do to protect your roof and home from hail damage? Unfortunately stopping the storm is not practical with modern science, which means your next best option is to get your roof inspected by an experience contractor after the event. A professional will be able to identify the hail damage and make any necessary repairs. The good news is, early detection of these dents and cracks can prevent further damage from happening.

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