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Pool Deck Leveling

Protect your family with Pool Deck Leveling!

Pool Deck Leveling

Homeowners know how dangerous a pool deck can be when it’s in good shape, let alone when the concrete has begun to sink and settle, leaving the surface unlevel and liable for trips, slips, and falls.

Being a pool deck, the concrete surface will be introduced to water, one of the main factors that leads to the settlement of concrete slabs. Over time, the water will seep it’s way below the slab and wear away at the dirt underneath, creating voids that the concrete can then sink into.

There are several ways to repair your sunken concrete. These methods include concrete lifting, Sandjacking, and replacement. When it comes to concrete lifting, there are a few options. Mudjacking is the classic solution, utilizing a slurry-like mixture of limestone and concrete which is pumped beneath the slab to lift it back to level. Due to the inherent heaviness of the end product, it may not be the best choice. There is, however, Polyurethane foam that can accomplish the same task without the weight, allowing for a long-lasting solution.

Typically, the part of the deck that will sink is called the Cope stone, or the border of the pool. This is due to the proximity to the water. You could choose to demo the concrete and pull it up to re-pour, but this is a costly and destructive solution. There is an alternative to dig up the slab and spread sand beneath to level the surface of the ground, making a compact surface for the concrete to rest on.

Since pool deck leveling is no easy task, contacting your local expert to do the job is your best option.

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