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Cracked Concrete Step Repair

Even the strongest materials can degrade

Cracked Concrete Step

In the world of construction materials, there are few that are more durable, reliable and long-lasting as concrete. Made from a mixture of water, aggregate, and a mixture of calcium, aluminum, silicon, iron and other binding agents, once the material sets, it will stand for decades to come.

Outdoor hardscapes, such as walkways, patios, decks, and steps, are often made from concrete. The first appearance of a concrete type material can be traced back to ancient Rome, around 1300 BC. Though this material was not exactly like what we know today, it is similar in the sense that when exposed to oxygen, it creates a hard, protective layer.

Repairs are best handled by the experts

Despite its longevity and durability, concrete will eventually degrade and begin to deteriorate. This is largely due to exposure to the ravages of the elements, including heat from the sun, water, and debris carried by the wind. Plus, frequent foot traffic doesn’t help. Eventually, concrete will develop some sort of cosmetic or structural issue.

In the case of concrete steps, this deterioration will happen more quickly than other types of hardscapes constructed of concrete. This is because these steps will see significantly more stress than any others, due to the act of climbing up and down them. The added pressure required for climbing will induce stress cracks, and over time these can progress to serious structural issues.

When these issues occur, it’s best to turn to the experts. With their help, your stairs can be in tip-top shape in no time! If you’re in need of repair on your concrete steps, the experts at HomePro Match are just a call or click away!

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