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Flue Pipes

Protect your home with a well-maintained flue!

The flue is an integral component of your home’s heating system, found at your fireplace, furnace, or water heater. Its main function is to funnel exhaust gases and other byproducts of combustion out of the home to prevent the pollution of indoor air. The flue pipe is typically made of metal, as the material is fire resistant and the pipe is normally surrounded by some kind of insulating material.

Types of flue pipes

  • A fireplace flue is located within the chimney stack and is typically straight up and down to enable the best draft. These flues are typically insulated by brick, tile, or ceramic. The exhaust is transmitted from the fireplace, up and outside through the flue pipe. This ensures that you and your family are not inhaling these dangerous byproducts.
  • Furnace flue pipes are normally made of metal and covered by insulating material. These flues are normally pitched up near the chimney. An exhaust pipe is a vital addition to help safeguard against accidental fires by preventing the mixture of combustible gases.
  • A water heater flue pipe is typically a straight metal pipe fitted above the water heater burner. Combustion gases are funneled from the water heater and expelled to the outside to prevent a backflow of gases into the home. The flue also acts as a heat exchanger to help heat water kept in the storage tank. It’s important that the flue pipe never slopes downwards because it could leak toxic gases back into the house.

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