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Window Glass Installation & Replacement

Replace the glass without replacing the whole window

Accidents happen and glass is not indestructible. At some point, you can assume that you will experience a broken glass panel. When this does occur, don’t throw away time and money replacing the whole window. Especially when you still have a quality frame that was recently installed, you can have an expert just install a new panel of glass.

Many homeowners may not realize that replacing the glass panels is an option. Cracked windows are left untouched just to avoid the cost of installing all-new windows. While glass replacement is a great solution to a common problem, it is also something that should not be attempted by non-professionals.

Why hire a window company to replace your glass?

Working with glass is complicated and dangerous. Properly measuring glass panels to sit inside a frame and then accurately cutting it is not something everyone can do. Replacing your glass can also take time if you are not familiar with what you are doing. This will leave an opening in your home, exposing you to the elements.

There are double-pane windows as well. If you have a broken panel with one of these, the repair is not as simple as switching out the one panel. Now, there are seals, air pockets, and other factors to keep in mind while doing the replacement, which can quickly become a troublesome nightmare for a homeowner. If you want your window glass replacement done properly, safely, and in a reasonable amount of time, consult with a window company about the repairs.

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