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Skylight Installation & Replacement

Why add skylights to your home?

If you are looking to brighten up your home, a skylight may be just what you need. When you install a skylight into your roof, you will be able to bring natural daylight into your living space. Depending on your property, your roof may actually present the best angle for adding ambient light indoors. Because skylights are built into your roof, always use a trusted, experienced contractor since many risks are involved. Injuries, as well as potential roof leaks and property damage, can happen from inexperienced, amateur work.

Lower your home’s energy bills by installing a skylight

Besides adding light to dark, uninviting living areas, skylights also add ventilation. The hot air in your house naturally rises. When you open the skylight in your roof, you let that hot air escape, making it a fast way to keep your home comfortable in the summertime. Having a skylight has its benefits in the wintertime as well. As the sun shines into your home during colder, winter months, it can help heat up your home in a natural way.

Skylights add the same benefits that windows do. Adding natural light allows you to keep the electric ones off, which in itself will keep the electric bills lower. Also, a high-quality skylight that is properly sealed can help keep your home insulated. Just like adding any window to your home, a bad install will create drafts and air leaks. Check with an expert skylight installer today for an estimate on skylight installation.

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