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Sewage & Effluent Pump Installation & Replacement

Prevent costly waste overflow with a sewage pump installation

If you have a septic tank in your home, your worst nightmare might be a septic overflow. Any kind of flooding is bad, but flooding from the septic system is the worst and generally most difficult to clean up. Luckily, you can make this problem unlikely to happen with a sewage pump installation.

Sewage pumps are typically installed at the lowest point of the sewage basin. These pumps can make sure your sewage stays out of the home and that your septic system performs properly. Unlike other types of pumps, like sump pumps, sewage pumps are typically designed to handle solids, but the exact type of pump will dictate what kind of solids they can handle.

Types of Sewage Pumps

  • Effluent pumps: This type of pump is designed to handle effluent and is more efficient than most other sewage pumps. However, this comes at a price. Effluent pumps are designed specifically to handle effluent and are not properly suited to handling solids. This means these types of pumps are typically used for laundry drain pump systems or remote sink drain systems. If you are worried about solid waste, effluent pumps are probably not for you.
  • Solid handling pumps: This is your typical sewage pump (sometimes called a sewage ejector pump) that can handle raw sewage, since it’s designed to remove solids when necessary. If you need to take care of raw sewage, this type of pump is better suited for the job.
  • Grinder pumps: Like solid handling pumps, grinder pumps can handle raw sewage which contain solids. The main difference is that a grinder pump has rotating blades which grind any solids into a near liquid before expelling them.

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