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Metal Roof Replacement

Improve your home with a durable and long lasting metal roof replacement

Metal Roof Replacement

It is an unfortunate truth that every roof, no matter how long lasting or durable, will one day wear out and need to be replaced. This however, can also be an opportunity to improve your home both in appearance and function. If you don’t have a metal roof and currently aren’t happy with the look, durability, or lifespan of the roof you have now, then a metal roof replacement just might be what you’re looking for.

Why choose metal roofing for your home? Metal roofing is by far one of the most durable roofing materials available, as you might expect. Metal roofing can easily stand up to many extreme weather conditions, like heavy wind and snow storms. Even hail can generally cause only minor damage in the form of slight dents that can be easily repaired. There is also very little maintenance involved and metal roofing can last two to three times longer than asphalt shingles (40 to 60 years to be exact).

Customize your new roof to your vision with a metal roof replacement

This durability doesn’t even come at the expense of customization and aesthetic. Metal roofs come in a wide range of varied styles and colors so you can find the perfect look for your home. The only potential downside is price, since metal roofing costs about two to three times more than asphalt shingles. Although expensive, you get what you pay for since metal roofs last two to three times longer.

If you want an attractive, distinctive, durable, low-maintenance, and long lasting roofing option, then a metal roof replacement could be just what you need.

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