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Ice Dam Removal

Prevent costly roof damage during the winter with expert ice dam removal

Ice Dam on Roof

Ice dams can be a serious threat to your home during the cold winter months. In the winter, warm air from your home will rise to your attic and melt the snow on your roof. This heat however, won’t warm the ends of your roof near the gutters. As the snow on top of your roof begins to melt and travel downward, a layer of ice over your gutters will start forming an ice dam.

Why is this a problem? The water from the melting snow needs somewhere to go, but when it reaches your gutters, it will get stuck behind the ice dam above the gutters. Often, this water will freeze, making the ice dam even larger. Eventually, water will build up behind the ice dam with nowhere to go, except down. This means the water will slowly try to make its way beneath your shingles and into your home, eventually causing leaks and costly water damage.

If you have an ice dam blocking the edges of your roof, then you need ice dam removal right away. The longer you let the problem build, the more likely it is for water to start finding its way inside. Costly water damage and potential openings for even more leaks are two issues you don’t want to deal with. If you think your home might have an ice dam, reach out to an ice dam removal expert right away.

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