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Clay/Concrete Tile Roof Replacement

Enjoy a durable and customizable new roof with a clay or concrete tile roof replacement

Clay Concrete Roof Close Up

Although clay & concrete tile roofs are highly durable and boast an incredibly long lifespan, they will still eventually need replacement. If your clay or concrete tile roof is nearing the end of its lifespan, about 50 years in the case of concrete tile and as much as 100 years in the case of clay tile, then it is in your best interest to have the roof replaced. While repairs can help make sure your roof reaches its max lifespan, too much minor patch work can simply prolong the inevitable and cause you to spend more on repairs than it would be to replace the whole thing right away.

If you have an old clay & concrete tile roof, a trusted and qualified roofing contractor can replace your old roof with a brand new layer of concrete or clay tiles. The whole process should be quick and painless while leaving you with a new roof that will protect your home for decades to come.

Make the new roof of your dreams with clay & concrete tile roof replacement

Don’t forget when having a clay or concrete tile roof replacement to take advantage of their customizability! Whatever your vision is for your home, there is likely a style of concrete or clay tiles that can match it perfectly. Concrete tile in particular is extremely customizable with a wide range of color and texture options. In fact, concrete tiles can even be designed to imitate the look of slate, wood shake, or clay tiles so you can enjoy their aesthetic with the price and durability of concrete tile.

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