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Clay/Concrete Tile Roof Installation

Clay & concrete tile roof installation offers a combination of quality and beauty

Red Clay Roof Installation

Looking for a way to add beauty to your home’s exterior without compromising on quality? A clay or concrete tile roof installation may be your answer! Clay or concrete tile roofs provide both beauty and durability that can keep you protected for years to come.

Why are concrete & clay tile roofs such attractive options? There are quite a few strengths that set them apart from other roofing materials. First, they’re highly resistant to heat, sunlight, and severe weather. Second, clay & concrete tiles are not only naturally beautiful, but they’re also highly customizable with a wide range of color and texture options. In fact, concrete tile can even be designed to give the look of slate roofing or wood shakes, if that is more of your preference. Finally, both clay & concrete tile roofing last longer than asphalt shingles and other common roofing options.

Clay tile vs concrete tile roofing

So what differentiates clay tile roofing from concrete tile roofing? The biggest differences are lifespan and cost. Clay tiles are about 30% more expensive than concrete tiles, although prices can vary based on the specific style of tile you choose to work with. Clay tiles however also boast a longer lifespan. A concrete tile roof will last about 50 years or more, but clay tiles can often double that and hit a lifespan of 100 years.

Regardless of which style you choose, a clay or concrete tile roof installation can do wonders for your home. The incredible beauty that they bring along with their durability will keep you happy and protected for many decades.

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