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Cedar & Wood Shingle/Shake Roof Installation

Cedar & wood shingles & shakes are the time tested roofing option

Cedar & Wood Shingles

Sometimes the classics are the best, and there are few roofing materials more classic than cedar & wood shingle/shake roofing. These shakes & shingles have been used for hundreds of years and have consistently proven to be beautiful, durable, and effective in a wide range of climates.

A cedar & wood shingle/shake roof installation has more going for it than mere age. These roofing materials have many other factors that can make them recommended over more modern roofing materials. While some might consider wood to be vulnerable to outdoor elements, the wood used for these shingles and shakes, like cedar, are incredibly strong and resistant to insects and moisture, allowing them to be just as effective as other modern roofing materials. They are also long lasting and provide a strong layer of insulation, helping lower your energy bills. Cedar in particular offers a high insulation value and lasts for up to 40 years if properly installed.

Enjoy incredible natural beauty with cedar & wood shingle/shake roofing

The biggest benefit of cedar & wood shingle/shake roof installation though is the incredible curb appeal it brings. Wood shingles and shakes provide natural beauty to the exterior of a home. In fact, this rustic look is so popular that many other roofing materials even offer options intended to imitate it! Nothing however, can compare to the real thing. Price wise, cedar & wood shingle/shake roof installations are generally more expensive than asphalt shingle roof installations. This difference in price however can often be overlooked due to cedar & wood shingle/shake roofs lasting twice as long.

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