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Shower Surrounds & Tub Surrounds

Protect your bathroom walls with tub & shower surrounds

Your bathroom walls have a tough job, especially those located around the tub or shower. These walls are constantly exposed to moisture, thus vulnerable to mold and other problems. Luckily, there is an easy solution in the form of shower & tub surrounds.

Shower and tub surrounds are sections of wall designed to be installed around your bathtub or shower. Unlike your normal bathroom walls, these surrounds are designed to withstand the constant soaking they will receive without fostering mold growth or letting water get through to the vulnerable walls behind. They also often have convenient features, like recesses and shelves, to let you store soap, shampoo, and other bathing items.

Choose the right shower or tub surround for your needs

There are two main types of surrounds:

  • Tile surrounds: This type of surround is made up of hundreds of individual tiles and is a very popular option, thanks to a wide range of color, size, and style options. However, this design does mean that there are weaker grout joints between the tiles that can cause issues like cracking. Plus, the initial asking price is higher.
  • Panel surrounds: These surrounds are made up of large panels that interlock or overlap to form a uniform surface, which means there are no grout joints to act as potential weak points. This makes them more durable while also being less expensive. Panel surrounds also come with a variety of customization options, but still lack the sheer amount of options available with tile.

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