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Sewer Main/Water Main Plumbing Services

Human civilization depends on clean water

Looking back over human civilization, we can see a pattern. We settle where there is an abundance of fresh water, the most important element on earth. Vital for cooking, cleaning, and bathing, it’s human instinct to want to be clean.

Now, our homes are spread across great landmasses, cities, and towns popping up even in harsh climates--now comfortable and livable, due to the invention of modern plumbing systems.

The importance of water and sewer mains

Two of the key components of modern plumbing systems are the Water Main and the Sewer Main. These two very important pieces of plumbing technology serve as the input and output for a building’s plumbing system, allowing freshwater in, and waste and greywater out, to promote health and sanitation. Any home attached to a municipal water source and public sewer system will have both of these components--and both are considered the home or business owners responsibility in terms of maintenance and repairs.

The important thing to remember for Water Mains, is that, though they don’t typically have problems, frequent inspections are vital to ensure that problems don’t arise. In regards to Sewer Mains, however, there is significantly more chance for potentially costly and dangerous issues. Their main function being to bring waste away from a home or business, there can be build-up and eventual clogs. This is due to either high demand or careless waste management, such as flushing non-bio-degradable material down the toilet or garbage disposal. Backups and clogs in a sewer main can be hugely detrimental, leading to waste coming back into the home and risk of contagion.

If you think there could be an issue with either your sewer or water main, the experts here at HomePro Match are just a call or click away!

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