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Septic System Plumbing Services

21 Million septic systems across the United States

For most of us, septic systems are expected in areas farther from large cities, and in the yards of some older homes. If you’ve ever had one, you know that they can be a little temperamental. Being disconnected from a city sewer system, they have to be pumped regularly to avoid messy backups. More than that, there are many things that should, under no circumstance, end up in the tank of your septic system.

What to watch for in your septic system

So perhaps you’ve moved into a home with a septic system installed, and now you’re wondering how to tell when things could go wrong. There are a few ways to tell, but who should you call? A plumber or a specialized Septic Systems Technician? For some plumbing issues, like clogs and blockages within the piping, a plumber can be called to save the day. Larger issues within the septic tank itself, however, should always be handled by a septic tank expert.

The warning signs are typically the same as if there has been an issue within a city sewer system that connects to a residential home. Water backing up out of kitchen sinks, bathtubs, showers, and even gurgling toilets. Other warning signs to watch for are especially lush, green areas of grass that seem wet and spongy even after days of sun, or if you have some sort of water source nearby, or even on the property, to keep an eye out for irregular algal blooms.

If you think you may be experiencing Septic System issues, the experts at HomePro Match are just a call or click away!

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