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Tick Repellent & Control

As most people know, ticks can be detrimental to the health and safety of humans and pets alike. Tickborne illnesses, especially Lyme disease, can cause a host of compromising symptoms and interfere with nervous system functioning. If you believe your home or yard is infested with ticks, it’s imperative that you seek out professional tick repellent and control services today.

Signs of a Tick Infestation

While ticks are common in many parts of the U.S., there’s no reason your backyard should be a danger zone. If you’ve noticed the presence of ticks on yourself, family members, or pets, it’s possible that you’re dealing with a more serious tick infestation. Ticks are drawn to moist, dark areas such as tall grass, leaf litter, wet firewood, and other lawn debris. They attach to human and animal hosts and travel indoors, spreading the infestation from your lawn to your home.

How to Control and Repel Ticks

Your local tick control technicians will conduct a thorough inspection of your home and yard in order to identify the presence of a tick infestation. Depending upon your unique situation, they may recommend environmental modifications aimed at reducing moist, dark areas that attract ticks. They may also apply chemical treatments to repel ticks away from your home, keeping you and your pets free from harm. Don’t battle a tick infestation on your own; your local professionals are here to help. Call today to schedule your tick control appointment and enjoy the outdoors free from the fear of tick-borne illnesses.

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