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Top 5 Spring Cleaning Projects to Start This Weekend

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Top 5 Spring Cleaning Projects to Start This Weekend

April 25, 2024

Do you have itchy eyes, a runny nose, and a sore throat? You're in good company - Spring is here! While there are many reasons to rejoice, with longer days and warmer weather come seasonal allergies. One way to combat the sniffles and simultaneously boost your mood is a Spring clean out - and clean up - of your home!

While Mother Nature works her magic to bring Spring into full bloom across the country, you can jump start the fresh feeling of the season at home right away. Here are 5 simple Spring cleaning projects you can start this weekend.

  1. Dust

    Say goodbye to all of those dusty surfaces around your house! Not only can dusting give your home a fresh and shiny look, but removing dust particles can improve indoor air quality. That's a win-win! According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunity, dust is among the most common allergens that cause allergic reactions. Considering that dust is made up of dead skin cells, dander, pollen, and other types of bacteria and particles, you should take proper precautions while dusting:
    • Wear a dust mask
    • Work from top to bottom
    • Use microfiber materials
    • Call your local air quality professional, they can advise you on how to improve indoor air quality year round

  2. Declutter

    So, decluttering might take more than one weekend if you go with the KonMari method. But a proper tidying up, decluttering, and organizational overhaul can truly spark joy. Wouldn't you love to open your closets or drawers and find exactly what you need without rummaging? Take some time to bring order to your home by:
    • Throwing out trash and junk
    • Donating or selling the things you don't want or need
    • Making space by moving items you won't need for a while into storage

  3. Clean Your Mattress

    Have you ever cleaned your mattress? Sure, it's common practice to wash your sheets but how often should a mattress be cleaned? In all reality, your mattress should be cleaned several times each year, but we'll use Spring cleaning as a push to get this project completed. While you sleep, your skin cells and body oils find their way into your mattress and that's the perfect feast for dust mites. We won't mention what dust mites leave in their wake, but noting that millions upon millions of mites reside in your mattress, this may offer the encouragement you need to get cleaning. Basic steps to mattress cleaning involve:
    • An initial vacuuming
    • Stain removal
    • Sprinkle baking soda and let it sit for 30 minutes
    • A second vacuuming
    • Let it air out

  4. Clean & Disinfect Your Kitchen

    Ideally, you wipe down your kitchen surfaces and appliances on a regular basis. But spring cleaning offers up the opportunity that a deeper cleaning is due. The University of Rochester Medical Center found that cleaning and disinfecting are two separate actions because a surface can appear clean but still be contaminated by organisms that cause disease. Bacteria can easily spread from one surface to another in your kitchen, so thorough cleaning and disinfection is a great springtime project. Don't ignore big-ticket appliances, including:
    • Refrigerator and freezer, throwing away any expired or spoiled food
    • Dishwasher
    • Oven and range
    • Garbage disposal
    • Cutting board cleaning and oiling
    • Blenders, mixers, and food processors

  5. Wash Windows

    Throughout the year your home's windows attract dust, dirt, and other particles, which can impair the nice view of the outside world. Its springtime and nature is begging for some attention. Cleaning your windows - both inside and out - will allow you to enjoy all the beauty that Spring offers. Windows can be cleaned with:
    • Squeegees
    • Newspaper & vinegar
    • Mr. Clean Magic Erasers or similar brands
    • Razor blades for big gunk removal

    Take caution while washing your windows. It might be worth calling in a professional for any windows that are high off the ground or otherwise difficult to access.

Happy Spring Cleaning!

Spring symbolizes new life. So, embrace the vibe and bring new life to your home. Spring cleaning can result in not only a cleaner home, but an uplifted spirit, an exercised body, and reduced stress levels.

Set aside time this weekend and follow these tips. Or make a quick call to your local cleaning expert and have them do the cleaning for you!

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