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Fireplace Refacing

Enhance the look of your interior with fireplace refacing

Do you have a fireplace in your living room? If so, then you probably know that a fireplace tends to dominate the room. That’s why it's one of the first places you ought to look if you want to improve the style and design of the room. With fireplace refacing, you can completely transform the look of your fireplace and contribute to the design of the room as a whole.

Common types of fireplace refacing materials

  • Concrete & Stucco: These materials are a good option if you want a sleek, clean appearance at an affordable price.
  • Wood: If you want to give your home a rustic, natural feel, wood can be a great option for fireplace refacing. There are a variety of wood types available, so you have no shortage of style options, all at various prices.
  • Masonry Veneer: Usually “thin brick” or “thin stone,” masonry veneer is designed to look as close to the real deal as possible at a more affordable price.
  • Tile: A classic fireplace refacing option, tile is popular thanks to the variety of colors and styles available. It is also one of the more affordable options.
  • Stone: While a bit more expensive than some of the other fireplace refacing materials, stone offers a beautiful and unique appearance. There are a variety of different stones available, including granite, quartz, soapstone, and slate in order to provide even more customization options.

If you want to enhance the look of your fireplace with fireplace refacing, contact your local HomePro Match expert today!

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