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7 Tips to Keep Your House Cool on a Budget


7 Tips to Keep Your House Cool on a Budget

May 9, 2019

With warm weather here in full force, you're not alone in wondering how to keep your house cool. Air conditioning is great, but it's not an option for everyone and it can be expensive to run. With or without air conditioning, here are some tips for keeping your house cool on a budget.

  1. Cook Outdoors

    Walk away from your stove! If your house is already toasty, the last thing you want to do is heat up your stove or oven. Embrace the season and step outside to do your cooking. Fire up the grill or get rustic and cook over the fire pit. Not only will you avoid making your house even hotter, but you can save money by not running kitchen appliances.

  2. Reduce Sunlight

    The sun is hot, right? Block it out of your home during the hottest hours of the day. From late morning to early evening you can close your curtains, blinds, or shutters to reduce the heat of sunlight indoors.

    For a long term solution, plant shade-bearing trees and shrubs in your landscaping. Find a local landscaping professional on HomePro Match to learn more!

  3. Air Seal & Insulate

    Air sealing and insulating your home is the first step towards home energy efficiency. If your home is not air sealed, any conditioned air within your home will easily seep out of your house and you'll be paying to cool down the air around your home. Talk about a waste of money!

    While the initial cost of an air sealing and insulation project might be expensive, it will pay for itself in time - this is the gift that will keep on giving. Proper air sealing and insulation will help your home stay cool during warm weather and warm during cool weather. HomePro Match can pair you with an air sealing and insulation professional so you can schedule an appointment right away!

  4. Use Fans Strategically

    There is more than one way to use a fan! The most common method is to set up a fan to generate a breeze in your direction. You can make that breeze even cooler by putting ice in front of the fan. If you have a box fan, you can use it as an exhaust by pointing it out the window, which pushes the hot air away. Also, if you have ceiling fans, be sure they are spinning counter-clockwise to send warm air away in order to help you feel cooler.

  5. Utilize Mother Nature

    Can you feel that breeze? Opening your windows could help! If you're not running an air conditioner, create a cross-breeze in your house by opening windows on opposite sides of the room. If you only have one window, set up a fan to help guide the air.

    When the sun sets and the air turns cooler, keep your windows and curtains open to bring indoor temps down.

  6. Unplug

    If there are any electronics around your home that you aren't using, unplug them. Electronics produce energy when plugged in, even if you don't have them turned on, and that energy produces heat that contributes to your already warm home. There's no need to add any extra heat to the air and this simple act can help, even if it seems silly. Not only will you avoid that extra bit of heat to your home, but it can help with your electric bill as well.

  7. Dehumidify

    Even with an air conditioner running, summer humidity can be oppressive. Decreasing the humidity in your home can help you feel cooler. By running a dehumidifier, your home's humidity can be cut by 35 to 40 percent. Additionally, indoor humidity can cause mold and mildew, especially in the basement. So, utilizing a dehumidifier can be a health benefit. If you want an efficient dehumidifier installed, contact one of HomePro Match's dehumidification professionals.

Keep Cool and Carry On

The warm weather months can be brutal, but now you are equipped with some tips to help you keep cool. If any of these DIY methods aren't cutting it, reach out to one of the professionals available through HomePro Match for a consultation!

For more information on insulation options, contact a HomePro Match insulation contractor today!

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