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Wood Stove Repair & Service

Keep your wood stove operating smoothly with wood stove repair from trusted local experts

While wood stoves may typically be thought of as relics of the past, new technology and techniques have actually allowed for the creation of modern wood stoves which are beautiful, efficient, and surprisingly effective. However, problems can still occur, most often in the form of drafts or issues with the flue system. User error can also sometimes lead to damage that will need to be repaired. If your wood stove is producing more smoke than usual, is drafty, or otherwise showing worrying signs, make sure to contact a trusted wood stove repair contractor to help keep your system working smoothly.

Common wood stove problems

  • Clogged Chimney or Flue Pipe: Most chimneys and flue pipes have caps to help prevent fires, but these caps can grow clogged from outdoor debris. If your chimney or flue pipe is clogged, you might have too much smoke entering your home. Similarly, debris can also build up in the chimney, potentially obstructing it and leading to smoke in the home. In either case, a professional cleaning will usually take care of this issue.
  • Drafts: If your wood stove’s door is not air tight, this could lead to drafts and smoke in the home and inefficiency. In this case, a professional can replace the problematic parts to prevent these drafts.
  • Too Much Smoke: If you are consistently noticing your wood stove is producing too much smoke and messy soot, this could be a sign that you are burning poor firewood, generally green or unseasoned. To avoid this, all you need to do is burn firewood that is dried or seasoned.

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