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Oil To Gas Conversion

Save money and enjoy cleaner heat with an oil to gas conversion

Oil furnaces are common in many homes, but many homeowners are starting to convert their oil furnaces to gas. Why? Price is a big factor for many. While an oil furnace is cheaper to install, natural gas is a much more affordable fuel source. Additionally, some areas may not have originally had gas mains, making oil the only practical option, however this is changing.

If you have an oil furnace and are tired of expensive fuel bills, an oil to gas conversion might be right for you. Roughly half of Americans use natural gas already, and if gas is readily available in your area, it might also be a good option for you. Provided gas and oil prices stay at about the same level, the savings from an oil to gas conversion could make back the cost of the conversion within 5 years!

Why have an oil to gas conversion?

  • Fuel Prices: The biggest advantage of natural gas is the price. Natural gas tends to be 30-50% cheaper than fuel oil every year, and this trend looks to continue, since oil generally has to be imported while natural gas is often produced domestically.
  • Efficient: While new oil furnaces are more energy efficient than they used to be, new gas furnaces are still usually more energy efficient, making sure the money you put into heating isn’t wasted.
  • Reliable Fuel: Oil is generally supplied through a tank which needs to be refilled periodically. This means that forgetting to schedule the refill could leave you without heat during a major storm. This is not a concern with gas since it is supplied through a gas main and you should always have access to it.
  • Eco-Friendly: Natural gas also burns cleaner than oil and is better for the environment.

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