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Oil Furnace Installation & Replacement

Keep your home warm & toasty with an oil furnace installation or replacement

Oil furnaces are a popular option for heating, especially in the Northeast. These types of furnaces work by vaporizing oil into a fine mist which is then used to ignite burners. These bruners create the heat that is then transferred by your ductwork throughout your home.

One nice advantage of a furnace is that it can heat the whole home all at once rather than heat one room at a time. This allows your furnace to maintain warm, even temperatures during the depths of winter. Oil furnaces are also quite safe with no risk of carbon monoxide or explosions, since fuel oil is not explosive. If you are looking for a safe heating option that can heat your entire home, an oil furnace installation might be perfect for you.

Why choose an oil furnace installation?

  • Low Installation Cost: While gas furnaces can be cheaper to run due to the price of fuel, oil furnaces are generally less expensive to install and don’t require any kind of connection to a gas line, which might not be available in some areas.
  • Long Lasting: Both gas and oil furnaces last a long time, but oil lasts 5-10 years longer on average. This can make a big difference if you’re planning to live in your current home for a long time.
  • Safe: The biggest advantage of oil over other heating options, notably gas, is that it’s relatively safe. While this might seem counterintuitive considering what you’ve likely seen in movies, the fuel oil used in furnaces is not explosive, unlike gas. Additionally, oil furnaces do not leak carbon monoxide.

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