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Gas Furnace Repair & Service

Keep your home warm with effective & timely gas furnace repair

Gas furnaces are a popular heating option, thanks to their affordability and reliability. However, like all mechanical appliances, your gas furnace will experience wear and tear overtime and need repairs. If you are noticing odd noises, low heat, or some other issue with your furnace, contact your gas furnace repair contractor right away. The longer you ignore the problem, the more serious and expensive it will be to repair.

Common types of gas furnace problems

  • No Heat or Low Heat: If your furnace is not producing heat, it is likely that there is serious damage to the internal components, potentially a short circuit or bad wiring. Low heat is sometimes also due to an issue with the heating mechanism or a clog in the filter. Unfortunately, these problems often worsen over time, making it important to have your system looked at by a professional contractor in a timely manner.
  • Too Much Noise: If you are noticing noises like squeaks, rattles, or rumbling, then you may have a mechanical issue. These sounds could also indicate issues with the airflow or a clogged burner.
  • Dirty Filters: If your air filters have become clogged with dirt or debris, it will be harder for the furnace to circulate hot air. This often manifests in the form of lessened heat and tends to worsen overtime, potentially causing severe damage to other parts of the system like the limit switch.
  • Frequent Cycling: Cycling refers to the turning off and on of the furnace and is a natural part of a furnace’s function. However, if the system is continually cycling, this may be indicating a clog or issue with the thermostat. While the furnace may still be functioning, the more frequently the system cycles, the more likely the furnace is to suffer from wear and tear.

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