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Electric Baseboard Heating Installation & Replacement

Keep your home warm affordably with electric baseboard heating installation or replacement

Are you looking for a way to heat your home without expensive central heating and duct work? If so, an electric baseboard heater installation might be just what you need! Baseboard heaters are systems that heat your home on a room by room basis using radiating heat and airflow.

In the case of electric baseboard heating, cables inside the unit warm the air inside and push it outside as cold air enters, creating a cycle that warms the surrounding area. Like most heating units, the process will temporarily stop once the desired temperature is reached and can be controlled by a thermostat, on a room by room basis in this case. While less efficient than central heaters, baseboard heaters are still quite effective and are more affordable in most cases.

Advantages of electric baseboard heating

  • Low price: Baseboard heating is more affordable than other options, like central heating, since there is no need for expensive duct work. Additionally, while baseboard heating is less energy efficient, it can actually be cheaper to run. With central heating, you usually have to heat every room in your home at the same time, but with baseboard heating, you can only turn up the heat in the one room that matters at the time, thus saving energy.
  • Quiet: Electric baseboard heating is extremely quiet, especially compared to some other heating options. It may even be quieter than forced-air heating systems.
  • Reliable: Baseboard heaters are fairly simple, and this can actually be a big boon. Because there aren’t many moving parts, it is rare to have the system break down. There’s also no carbon monoxide risk.
  • Flexible: Since electric baseboard heating is done on a room by room basis, you can set individual rooms to different temperatures. This is perfect for when you can’t agree with family members over the desired temperature for your home!

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