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Duct Insulation & Sealing

Prevent energy loss from leaky ducts with duct sealing

A big source of energy loss in many homes is poor duct sealing. In most cases, this could be costing the homeowner hundreds of dollars every year on their energy bills.

How? The heated and cooled air coming from your HVAC system will pass through your ducts before reaching the rooms you’re trying to heat and cool. If your ducts are not properly sealed, then much of this air will likely leak out before ever reaching its destination, leading to uneven temperatures and high energy bills as your HVAC system tries to compensate.

Leaky ducts can even be a safety hazard. Sometimes these leaks cause furnaces and other combustion appliances to backdraft, which potentially leads to carbon monoxide exposure.

Problems with improper duct insulation or duct sealing

Poor or nonexistent duct insulation can waste energy and lead to high energy bills. Most ducts pass through the attic at some point, and if you’ve ever been in the attic during the depths of the winter or the heights of summer, then you likely know attics have a penchant for extreme temperatures.

So what do you think happens to your ducts when they carry cool air through the attic during a warm summer day? You guessed it. The extreme heat in the attic warms the ducts and the cool air your ducts are carrying, wasting much of the energy your air conditioner just put into cooling said air. The same thing happens in the winter as the air you are paying to heat passes through the now cold ducts in your attic. Proper duct insulation can help solve this problem by ensuring that the air inside your ducts is relatively unaffected by the extreme temperatures.

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