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Dryer Vent Cleaning

Keep your home safe with regular dryer vent cleaning

As your dryer spins, the clothing inside will produce lint. Most of this lint will be caught by the removable filter which you can (and should) easily remove and clean after every load. However, this filter sometimes doesn’t catch all of the lint, which leads to some of it becoming trapped deep in your dryer.

Why is this a problem? According to the U.S Fire Administration, there are more than 2,900 home fires every year that are related to dryers, and in most cases, these issues are due to lint buildup. When the lint manages to make it past the filter, it often gets trapped in the vent or duct and can restrict airflow. Eventually, this restricted airflow will cause overheating and the flammable lint can ignite when this occurs. Luckily, all of this can be prevented by occasional dryer vent cleaning.

Signs that you need dryer vent cleaning

  • Clothing that remains wet or needs several cycles to dry fully
  • Exhaust vent flap that doesn’t open or barely opens
  • Very hot outside of the dryer
  • High humidity around the dryer
  • Burnt smell

If you notice any of these signs, there is no need to panic. However, you should reach out to your dryer vent cleaning specialist as soon as possible so they can inspect the system, identify if lint buildup is the problem, and undertake the necessary cleaning. They’ll be able to disconnect the dryer, vacuum/brush the vent, and then reattach the system afterwards. The whole process is easy with a professional and can generally be completed within 2 to 3 hours.

If you are in need of dryer vent cleaning, reach out to your local HomePro Match expert today!

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