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Central Air Conditioning Installation & Replacement

Enjoy uniform cooling with central air conditioning installation or replacement

Generally considered the most effective cooling option, central air conditioning is a popular addition for many homes. True to its name, central air works by cooling the air throughout your home from a central location rather than from several individual units. This air is then distributed throughout your home, often through the ductwork, and lets you control the whole system from a single point.

While more expensive than some other types of air conditioners, such as window units, you most certainly get what you pay for. A single central air conditioning system can cool your whole home while a single window unit may cover two rooms at most. The quality of the cooling itself is generally higher with a central air conditioner as well. Usually, temperatures are more even and the quality of the air itself is higher thanks to the system’s filter. If you’re looking for a reliable way to cool your home, then it’s hard to go wrong with a central air conditioning installation or replacement, even with the slightly higher upfront cost.

Benefits of central air conditioning installation or replacement

  • Cool multiple rooms: Many air conditioners struggle to cool more than one or two rooms at a time. This is especially true of window units. Central air conditioning does not have this problem and can easily cool your entire home.
  • Reduce humidity: While all air conditioners will try to reduce humidity in the home, central air conditioning is far more effective at this.
  • Cleaner air: With a central air conditioner, the air in your home is pulled through an air filter before cooling. This process has the additional effect of cleaning and purifying said air, although the amount of cleaning will depend on the type of filter.
  • Low maintenance: While central air conditioning installation may cost more initially, there are fewer maintenance costs in general. A single annual inspection is usually all you need to keep the system running smoothly.

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