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Air Filter Replacement

Keep your HVAC system running smoothly with air filter replacement

Air filters are a key part of any HVAC system and help to keep dust and other debris from collecting in the air handler and duct system. As a form of protection against debris, the filter itself will get dirty and clogged over time. As this clogging occurs, less and less air will be able to get through, eventually causing serious issues for your HVAC system and your home as a whole.

Some of the issues caused by a clogged air filter can include fan motor strain, reduced home comfort, and high energy bills. Fortunately, you can prevent most of these issues with regular air filter replacement.

When should you replace your air filter?

While you should regularly replace your air filters, the exact timing will vary based on a variety of factors:

  • Type: Fiberglass filters are an inexpensive option, but this means they need to replaced often, generally every 30 days. Pleated air filters use better materials and last between three to six months. The exact duration of the air filter will vary based on material, manufacturer, and frequency of use.
  • Home size: If you have a larger home, this means that generally more air will pass through your filter, therefore shortening its lifespan.
  • Pets: As any pet owner knows, most pets shed, and often quite a bit. Pets also have a habit of bringing dirt and debris inside. This extra debris can lower the effectiveness of your air filter over the long term, requiring more frequent replacement.
  • Allergies: If you or any of your family members have allergies, you should replace your air filter more often in order to keep your air clean and to avoid flare ups.

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