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Wood Gutter Repair

Prevent the need for costly replacement with wood gutter repair and regular maintenance

Wood gutters boast a unique beauty, but they require regular maintenance to stay in the best shape possible.While some gutter materials can practically be ignored following installation, besides cleaning, retaining the beauty of wood requires some work. If your gutters do not have gutter guards, then you will need to clean them out twice a year. You should also keep your wood gutters oiled and annually or bi-annually paint them. These steps will help you keep your wood gutters in good shape and ensure they last a long time.

However, damage will still likely occur at some point during their life span. Whether it’s a leak, sagging, or rot, there’s no need to panic. As long as you have the required wood gutter repairs done quickly, you can have your gutters back to normal in no time and at minimal expense.

Common wood gutter problems

  • Holes: Like all gutters, wooden gutters can develop holes, generally due to impact from debris. While often small at first, these holes do get bigger over time. If you notice any signs of a hole, like a steady leak, then make sure to contact your local gutter repair experts right away.
  • Sagging: As your gutters become filled with water and debris, they put more and more weight on the fasteners. In some cases, this might cause the fasteners to grow loose or fall out, leading to a sagging gutter. This is an easy thing to fix, but make sure to have the repairs done right away before it leads to a more serious problem.
  • Rot: One major disadvantage of wooden gutters is their susceptibility to rot. While most wooden gutters are designed to minimize this risk, there is always a possibility of this occuring. The best way to deal with rot is to prevent it in the first place with regular maintenance. If rot does occur, make sure to have it looked at by an experienced gutter contractor before it grows worse.

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