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Wood Gutter Installation & Replacement

Wood gutter installation & replacement provides beautiful home protection

If you want gutters that are truly beautiful and unique, then wooden gutters may be the perfect option for your home. While wooden gutters haven’t been particularly popular since the 1960s, they continue to be used on some older homes thanks to their unique and attractive look. They are also quite effective, provided you use cedar which has superior moisture resistance.

With that said, wooden gutters are certainly not for every home. While their beauty may be difficult to match, they are not the cheapest option and require regular maintenance. Still, if beauty is what you’re looking for, then it’s hard to do much better than wooden gutters.

Pros of wood gutter installation

  • Attractive: Wood is well known for adding great beauty to an exterior, and wooden gutters are no different. They boast a clean and attractive look that you won’t find with any other material.
  • Effective: Wooden gutters are effective at redirecting water away from the home. Most wood gutters are made from cedar and this lets them effectively withstand moisture and retain their strength.

Cons of wood gutter installation

  • Expensive: As attractive as they are, wood gutters are not cheap. There are limited manufacturers and the installation requires extra steps like painting. The joinery can also be complicated and requires beveled scarf joints.
  • Regular Maintenance: While most gutters do require some maintenance, especially if you don’t have gutter guards, wood requires more than the usual. Wood gutters should be regularly oiled, cleaned, painted, and checked for splitting and cracking.

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