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Metal Gutter Repair

Keep your home protected with metal gutter repair

Metal gutter materials are among the most popular options. From aluminum to copper, metal gutters are renowned for their strength and durability. However, even the most durable materials will eventually be damaged if constantly exposed to the elements.

The good news though is that most gutter problems that develop can be quickly and affordably repaired by a qualified gutter repair contractor. If you notice any damage, don’t hesitate to contact a professional before you risk the problem worsening.

Common metal gutter problems

  • Sagging: Your metal gutters are generally connected to your home with fasteners of some kind. While sturdy, these fasteners are not necessarily as sturdy as the gutters themselves and may be put under great strain if the gutters become filled with water. In this case, fasteners could fail, leading to your gutters sagging. If you notice this sign, contact an expert before it gets worse. The fix is often very cheap as long as you act quickly.
  • Leaking: All gutters can grow leaks, whether from holes or from issues with the joints and seams. Whatever the case, these leaks should never be ignored as they will worsen over time. If you notice a leak, contact a metal gutter repair expert right away to identify the cause and make the required repairs.
  • Improper Pitch: All gutters are pitched slightly towards the downspouts for easy drainage. However, if your gutters are improperly aligned, this pitch may not be present, leading to standing water which can cause other problems. If you notice standing water, a qualified contractor can identify the cause and adjust the pitch and alignment if necessary.

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