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Foundation Sill Plate Repair & Replacement

The health of your sill plate is important to you and your home

Foundation Sill Plate Repair

The sill plate is a wooden beam or board that sits atop of the foundation walls. The wall frames are then anchored to it. Since the sill plate is quite close to the ground and made of wood, it is especially prone to water and moisture-related damage. That includes mold, dry rot, and moisture-loving termites.

A damaged sill plate can compromise the structural integrity of the walls anchored to it and can help spread mold and termites throughout the wall cavities. Pest control companies make a point of inspecting the sill plate periodically for signs of termite infestation and they might be able to detect mold issues.

What does sill plate repair & replacement involve?

When the sill plate is badly damaged, it needs to be repaired or replaced as soon as possible. The process involves detecting the rotten portions, supporting the wall structure, removing and carefully disposing of the damaged wood to prevent mold spores and termites from spreading to other parts of the house. Sometimes, an anti-fungal or pesticide may be applied to sanitize and protect the unaffected areas. After the area is clean and free of debris, a new sill plate is installed and anchored to the existing walls.

As it happens with all foundation related repairs, sill plate repair and replacement is a job best left to experienced and certified foundation repair pros. HomePro Match has screened, experienced professionals available to you when you need them most.

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