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Foundation Floor Joist Replacement

Do I Need a Foundation Floor Joist Replacement?

Bad Foundation Floor Joist

When left unattended, high levels of relative humidity in the basement can wreak havoc on your floor joists and all the wooden structures. That is because they tend to soak up the moisture that condenses over the surfaces, and moist wood is food for mold and dry rot. It is also particularly attractive to termites, carpenter ants and other moisture-loving pests.

If the floor joists are already structurally compromised, they will need to be replaced. The sooner the job is done, the better, since mold, dry rot, and termites spread quickly.

Luckily, an expert foundation repair professional will be able to replace floor joists quickly and with as little disruption as possible.

How Foundation Floor Joist Replacement Works

The work involves supporting the floor structure with jacks, while the crew detects and removes all the moldy, rotten or termite-infested wood. This is then carefully and expertly disposed of to avoid spreading the problem by releasing airborne mold spores. After the area is free of contamination, it is usually disinfected with an anti-fungal compound before the new joists can be installed.

Contact your Local Foundation Floor Joist Specialist Today

If you suspect that your floor joists might have been compromised by mold, dry rot or termites, contact one of our floor joist replacement specialists for an inspection. An expert will be able to fix the problem correctly and quickly. It will give your home relief and give you peace of mind in the end.

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