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Wood Fence Installation & Replacement

Protect your home and add natural beauty with a wood fence installation or replacement

Wood fencing is a classic option that remains popular even with many other fencing materials now available. After all, wood has a unique natural beauty to it. While some other materials might be able to imitate the look of wood, none can quite compare to the real thing. There are a wide range of wood types available, allowing you to choose the option that best fits your budget and style preferences.

That said, it does need to be mentioned that wood can have some downsides. Wood fencing requires fairly regular maintenance and can be vulnerable to rot and insects. Staining, painting, and other treatment methods can go a long way towards alleviating these issues, but they are still worth noting. Nonetheless, many homeowners would argue the benefits of a wood fence installation or replacement far outweigh the negatives.

Wood fencing advantages

  • Natural Beauty: Wood has a timeless natural beauty that gives a classic look to any home. There’s a reason so many other materials imitate the look of wood.
  • Sturdy Protection: While the exact level of durability can differ depending on the type of wood used, wood fencing in general is strong and sturdy, making it a popular option for privacy and security fences.
  • Environmentally Friendly: Considering wood is a natural material, there aren’t many fencing options that are greener. Unlike many other fencing materials, wood can be recycled at the end of its lifespan.
  • Customizable: In addition to a wide range of wood types, there are a variety of style options available for your wooden fence installation. Plus, you can paint a wood fence almost any color you can think of!

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