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Split Rail Fence Installation & Replacement

Mark your property line with a split rail fence installation or replacement

Split rail fences are a classic option and have a unique, natural look that gives them a rustic feel. These fences are normally made of either cedar or pine wood, and consist of two to three straight boards running between different fence posts.

While not necessarily the best option for security purposes, this simple design is very popular as a way to mark off your property. While most commonly seen in rural areas like farms and ranches, split rail fences can create a unique look when used for more suburban homes.

Benefits of a split rail fence installation or replacement

  • Scalable: The biggest benefit of a split rail fence is the low cost relative to the size of the property. Because of its unique design, far less material is required for any given length. While a lattice fence might cost double if you double the length, the cost of installing a split rail fence will proportionally only go up a little even if the required space is doubled.
  • Flexible: Split rail fences are available in a wide range of styles and can be customized to meet your needs. From choosing the material, the amount of rails to staining, and painting, there’s no shortage of options. You can even “upgrade” the fence with wire if you want to make it a bit better at keeping out pests.
  • Easy Installation & Maintenance: The actual installation is quite simple and can be done quickly by an experienced contractor at a low cost. While regular cleaning may be necessary, the fence will require little other maintenance.

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