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Security Bollard Fence Installation & Replacement

Protect your property from collision with a security bollard fence installation or replacement

Bollards are short posts normally embedded into the street or sidewalk. These posts can be made of any material, but are often made of steel, stone, cement, or plastic. They may also be filled with concrete, even if the exterior is plastic or steel.

These posts are used to create a security bollard fence, mainly used for directing traffic. Many bollards are crash resistant and can easily protect buildings or pedestrians behind them from an out of control vehicle.

Benefits of a security bollard fence installation & replacement

  • Protection: The main purpose of bollards is to protect your property, but not in quite the same way as other security fencing options. While bollards won't necessarily keep people off your property, they will be an obstacle that prevents a vehicle from entering or causing damage to the property during a collision. Most other fence materials don’t hold up so well to a direct collision.
  • Easy access: If you are installing a security bollard fence, the ease of access is likely a benefit rather than a downside. Bollards can help direct traffic and keep vehicles away without inconveniencing pedestrians. This is the main reason why bollards are so popular for public, commercial, and municipal properties.
  • Customizability: Bollards not only come in a variety of different materials, but also in a wide range of styles. Many of these styles are quite attractive and can serve to enhance the look of your property rather than just protect it. Many bollards can also have lights installed to provide an additional layer of functionality.

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